Blind Contour

Blind Contour

Blind Contour and Line Variation

Blind Contour

Line Variation

Blind Contour

Cross Contour


Introduction |
Oil Painting Introduction
Adult: Beginner - Intermediate
[Class Dates]
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This is a five-day course (3hrs/day). The primary subjects relate to oil paint and what it takes to make a painting. Working with pen and pencil, participants will develop ideas and plan a painting. Two full classes are spent making a painting of the artist’s choosing.
Develop the tools to make an original oil painting. Get the fundamentals down and use them to draw from life and photo references.
1. Intro & Materials
2. Viscous Mediums and Composition Pattern, Movement, and Contrast (Composition of brushstrokes)
3. Ideas: Content/Subject
(Sources, Thumbnails, Drafts, and Sketchbooks)
4. Prep and developing a painting
(Blocking-in and painting with Oil on Canvas)
5. Develop and Finishing Touches
(Oil on Canvas)
At the end of these classes, participants will have 2 oil paintings. A further understanding of the medium will have been developed through application and discussion.
Oil Paint Set, 1 Small & 1 Large Canvas. Assorted Brushes, Sealable Jars, Palette, Small Bottle of Mineral spirits, Basic 8x11 Sketchbook, 2 black pens (Jelly Roll), Pencils