Character Design


This is was originally designed as a five-day (3hrs/day) class focusing on character design. Generate a simple, repeatable character drawn from multiple angles. Starting with the idea stage, brainstorm, and iterations. Using basic shapes and forms build the character with modeling clay and draw it from different angles in different poses.  


Learn tools to create and develop characters. Make illustrations of a character from 3 different angles.


1.     Intro, Character Definition, Ideas (Inkblot Characters, Thumbs and Fast Sketches)
2.     Practicalities and Context (Economical Drawing, Story)
3.     Form from Shapes (Model Clay, and Contours)
4.     Colouring (Choosing and Blocking in Hue, Value)
5.     Inking (Calligraphic and Enhanced Line Quality)


At the end of this class, participants will have a pliable model, preliminary and finished drawings (which could then go on to be developed further {for example, an illustrated story, comic, cartoon, logo or animation}).



(Some Drawing Skills Required)


Oil Based, Non-Drying Modeling Clay, Watercolour Set (and brushes), Black (fine tipped) Markers / Pens, Pencils, Sketchbook, Good Quality Drawing Papers x 3, Brushpen

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